Who this agreement is for

  1. Committee members, Group co-ordinators, Argyle St Housing Co-op (ASH Co-op) staff, members of working groups, members attending ASH Co-op meetings and members doing work on behalf of the Co-operative shall all ensure that information of a confidential nature, made known to them through their role in the management of the Co-operative, remains confidential.

Information covered by confidentiality

  1. The following information held by ASH Co-op (the “Co-operative”) is covered by this agreement:
    • Personal information held in members files-Information held in equal opportunities monitoring
    • Members rent files and accounts-Information held about applicants to ASH Co-op and applicants on the shortlist
    • Personal information about staff-Personal information regarding adjustments made to meet members differing needs
    • Information held in Disputes and Complaints files
    • Information relating to any legal action being pursued by ASH Co-op
    • Information about contractors or relating to discussions about any process of tender

Information Use in Meetings and Correspondence

  1. Any confidential information held by the Co-op covered above will only be presented in correspondence or meetings agendas with the permission of the member/s that the information pertains to.

Exceptions – Disputes and Complaints

  1. Confidential information will be disclosed in limited form (identities of parties and summary of events) both at the end of ASH Co-op disputes procedure, and during the recommendation following a complaints investigation. These disclosures are both intended to allow the community to tackle issues together with the best information possible. Disclosure is left to the outcomes stage so that dispute resolution and investigations can proceed with discretion.
  2. Disputes – The outcome of a dispute shall be reported back to a GM, in a Disputes and Complaints report with a summary of the resolution naming the parties involved. This is intended to allow the community to support any positive measures agreed upon to resolve the dispute. All parties will have seen the report at least two weeks before the meeting at which it is presented.
  3. Complaints – Complainants and complainees will be named and a summary of the case in the Disputes and Complaints report presenting the panel’s recommendation to a GM and during the discussion of that recommendation. All parties will see the report at least two weeks before the meeting at which it is presented. If it is felt that the complainant is at significant risk of emotional distress or physical harm, and there is known involvement by outside organisations such as the police, they can remain anonymous throughout the process.


  1. Members carrying out work for ASH Co-op where they may become aware of confidential information must sign this declaration committing to abide by the above agreement:
  2. Name
  3. Signature
  4. Date